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How to build an at-home obstacle course

Here’s an idea to keep the kids entertained for a few hours, and get them moving at home! Create your own obstacle course!

Not only are they a fun way to keep active at home but setting them up also provides hours of fun.

Our friend Emily has shown us how easy it is to set up an obstacle course either in your home using furniture and household items, or in your outside space with random things hanging around in the shed or garage.

  • Get creative with whatever you have lying around – crawl under chairs and tables, hop over broomsticks, make stepping stones out of books.
  • Add in exercise stations – push ups, squats, star jumps, running on the spot, roly polys and balances are all great options! You could even do the floss!
  • Small space? Your obstacle course doesn’t need to be big, just set up a circuit of 3-5 stations and go round as many times as you can in 5 minutes!
  • Get the whole family involved – compete against each other for the fastest time, or compete against yourself to see how fast you can do it!
Indoor Obstacle Course
Outdoor Obstacle Course