Building an intervention is like starting a completely new business and can, and should be planned as such. When building our latest weight management programme we used techniques and models from industry to help us think about how we meet the needs of our client groups A good model to use when creating a business idea is the Business Model Canvas (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010);
Some of the sections may be more necessary than others with intervention design, however some areas that might not immediately seem important, have very pragmatic and logistical ramifications and are worth considering early on.
The accompanying Value Proposition Canvas is also useful in designing interventions.
Using this as a starting point for intervention design allows a genuine understanding of the people whose behaviour you are trying to change, the possible reasons for change and in what direction. It focuses marketing efforts (one of the key missing pieces in most public health campaigns – a fully coherent marketing effort), partners, the practical tasks that need doing and builds an intervention with the users truly at the heart of it. Of course, this is a starting point with research from many sources informing the planning canvases and the involvement of the very people for whom you are building the intervention.
We recently applied this technique to a couple of ideas to assess which one was the most viable for us to develop in the context of the contractual needs in our Brighton and Hove contract. We ran them both through this process and arrived at the conclusion that the best ‘market fit’ that we could produce right now was BeeZee Dogs. The other idea is still there waiting to be developed, however we are proud, and incredibly excited to be releasing BeeZee Dogs this Tuesday in Brighton.
I will keep you posted on the progress of BeeZee Dogs over the coming weeks and months.
Please register your interest below and we’ll get in touch when we offer services in your area.