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12 ways to manage stress

It's National Stress Awareness Day today - how will you destress?

I’m sure everyone has come across being stressed at some point, whether it’s a daily or weekly occurrence or just having a bad morning or bad day 

Being stressed can take its toll on our body and here’s a few warning signs of stress; 

  • Feeling distracted  
  • Not being able to switch off 
  • Constant worrying 
  • Headaches 
  • Upset stomach  
  • Under or overeating 
  • Feeling irritable  
  • Increased consumption of nicotine or alcohol  
  • Aches, pains and tense muscles 
  • Insomnia  

Our mental health is one of the most important things that we should be looking after. I get stressed some days, so I have come up with few ideas for some of those stressful times of the day and ways to help destress.  

Man on his daily commute
Journey to work

Put on your favourite music and have a sing along or listen to an audio book/podcast. I love singing (if I can call it that) in my car as it helps distract me from all the rush hour traffic, I’m sitting in.  

Team at work in the office
At work

Had a bad phone call from a customer or feel like your workload is getting on top of you? Talk about it with colleagues and let them know how youre feeling – they might have been in the same position once so can offer advice, or be able to help with your workload.  

Man looking at laptop pulling at his hair

Prioritise the most important tasks first and complete these when you are most proactive, for example if you’re a morning person get straight to it when you arrive at work. Try breaking one big task into smaller tasks to help make it feel more manageable. 

A person walking in the morning
Take a break

During mid-morning break or lunch time, get away from your desk – go and enjoy a walk or find a quiet corner to read a good book. 

Friends eating nachos out of a bowl
Emotional eating

When we get stressed one of the hormones called cortisol is released which increases your body’s desire to eat. Sitting on the sofa and putting your hand in that crisp packet might relate to you?! If it does, get up and go for a 10-minute walk to help get rid of those urges.  

Woman sleeping soundly at night
Get enough sleep

It’s recommended that adults should get between 7-9 hours of sleep, and if you have less than this it can have a negative effect on your wellbeing; not wanting to get up in the morning, being moody, feeling lethargic or napping during the day. Reduce the amount of caffeine you consume, avoid screen time before bed and make your bedroom a calm and relaxing place.  

Two adult women having fun dancing together as part of an exercise class

You release endorphins when you exercise which can boost your mood. Find an activity like walking, running, yoga, boxing or any activity that you enjoy doing.  

Woman relaxing in a bath
Me time

Have a bath or a full on pamper evening, treat yourself and relax 

Friends talking and laughing with each other

Having a support system from friends or family is a great way to talk about your worries or problems and can help you see things in a different way.  

Also having a good old laugh with friends is a great stress reliver.  


Woman journalling her day

If you don’t feel like talking to people about your problems, write down how your feeling and get it all out, it could help to pinpoint what triggers your stress. 

Woman meditating in the morning

Clearing your mind can help reduce feeling of worry and stress, so find a quiet place and get comfy. There are lots of apps out there, but I found Calm and Headspace really helped me to meditate.  

There are lots of other things that can lead to stress and many more ways to overcome it, if you need any extra support please visit Mind, who can give some expert advice.